Learning Coach Corner
Family Advisory Meetings
Wisconsin Virtual Academies (WIVA, DCAWI, ISWI) promise to support students in personalized learning, no matter where they are, who they are, or what they need. Learning Coaches are cordially invited to attend Family Advisory. This is a great way to partner together.
The Family Advisory takes place on the third Wednesday of each month at 5 PM via Newrow and all Learning Coaches are invited to attend.
The purpose of the Family Advisory:
- Connect to build rapport
- Partner to build alliance toward our strategic goals
- Receive feedback to and from along the way
We also have a Family Advisory Council. This is a subset of the Family Advisory that offers smaller representation and consists of five members. The council meets each month after the Family Advisory Meeting. The purpose of the Family Advisory Council is to come together in community to share voice, collaborate, and support with improving outcomes. Minutes can be located in the K12 LC Community App.
Click here to share what you would like to discuss during the next Family Advisory Meeting.
Get involved!
We encourage you to find nearby families with children the same age and organize field trips and other social and academic activities together. If you’re interested, contact Lynne Heinzelman at lheinzelman@wivcs.org.
You can also connect with other WIVA Learning Coaches by downloading the K12 mobile app and signing up for the K12 National Learning Coach Community. The app gives you immediate access to a secure, school-sponsored site with other WIVA Learning Coaches. You’ll be able to chat, view resources, ask questions, share tips, and connect!
Learning Coaches can also join the WIK12 Advocates Facebook page
Contact the Family Advisory Council!
Becki Kleist at emtmama24@icloud.com – Learning Coach Representative
Tricia Cefalu at tcefalu09@yahoo.com
Sicily Gargano at garganosicily@gmail.com
Amy Jandrisevits at mjandris@gmail.com
Kristen Klein at kklein565@gmail.com
Timothy Lau at semperfilau@hotmail.com
Sabrina Reynolds at smarie17@gmx.com
Kokina Simon at kokina71202@gmail.com
If you are interested in joining the Family Advisory Council, please contact Family Engagement Specialist Lynne Heinzelman at lheinzelman@wivcs.org.